DuckDuckGo better than Google ? - Some of the Remarkable features of DuckDuckGo

Can DuckDuckGo be an alternative to Google? let's see.

DuckDuckGo does not collect or share personal information. It is their privacy policy in a nutshell.The rest of this page tries to explain why you should care and what are their salient features.

What is DuckDuckGo?

For instance, if you don't know what is Duckduckgo? DuckDuckgo is a search engine like Google but it protects your privacy on the web, from Ad trackers and hackers as they can harm your privacy! and are annoying at most times. 

For example, Imagine you are checking your exam results online with a lot of tension and an ad pops up on your screen! Just annoying. 

When we compare, it with popular browsers like Microsoft Edge or Chrome, they are very popular but not for their privacy. So what are they famous for? They are popular for the easy-to-use features they offer like Google as a calculator feature. 

So today, I am going to tell you about some of the remarkable features of DuckDuckGo, making it easy to use along with no compromise in privacy. 

Features of :

Using shortcuts in DuckDuckGo :

You can use shortcuts in duckduckGo named "!bangs" to go to other websites fastly. Bangs are shortcuts that take you to search results on other sites.

Using the "!" (exclamation) sign, you can access the website with its shortcut.

For example: 

  • !w for Wikipedia
  • !wa for wolfram alpha

You can check out more !bangs here.

Checking Status of any Website:

You can check the status of any website, whether it is up or down, with its response time by typing "is up"

For example: By typing "is up" you can check whether the site is up or down. 

In this way, you can figure out if there is a problem on your side or the website's server-side! It also shows you how much time it took to respond with the Ip address mentioned(In-case you are the site owner).

Searching Social Profile:

You can search the social media profile of any person with the DuckDuckgo search by typing @ and your keyword.

For example, @Salman khan will show the results of Salman khan's (actor)social media profile(Twitter).

Note: This feature may not work in some cases.

Generating Figlet of your text:

You can create the figlet of any text by typing "figlet Text"

For example, Typing  "figlet technology" will generate the figlet of "technology"

Generating Password with DuckDuckGo:

You can create a random secure password from DuckDuckGo with your desired number of characters(Digits). This is a lifesaver if you are confused about making a secure password. It is easy, just type the password "Number of digits".

For example: By typing "password 15", DuckDuckGo will generate a password of 15 characters for you.

URL Expander:

This is a very handy tool that I discovered in DuckDuckGo. Since you may be hesitant about some short links for security reasons or to avoid being exposed to viruses. If you want to know what is there actually in a Url or link, shortened by a URL shortener like

You can type expand "Your link" in the search bar.

For example Typing "expand", will expand the URL.

Note: If you don't see your link expanded, then click on "More at" down below the results.

Changing the Text Case:

You can change the case of your text between upper and lower.

To make the text uppercase, use "uppercase text" and to make the text to title case use "title case text".

To make the text lower case, use "lowercase TEXT"

For example, by Typing "uppercase techwithexperts", you will get your results like TECHWITHEXPERTS. 

Calendar in DuckDuckGo:

You can see the calendar of the current month by typing "calendar". Or the calendar of any of your desired months by typing "calendar month year". It will show you the calendar for that particular month.

For example: By typing "calendar august 2006", you will get the calendar of August month of the year 2006.

DuckDuckGo as Stopwatch:

For example, If you don't have a stopwatch or your stopwatch app on your phone or computer isn't working. You may type "stopwatch" into the search bar, and the stopwatch will display.

Calculating Loan (Interest):

You can easily calculate loans with the help of the loan command.

For example: "loan RS 1000000 at 7% for 7 years" will give you the result of ₨15,092.68 for 7 years.

Know your IP address:

You can know your IP address by typing "what is my Ip address"

This can be useful if you want to know whether your VPN is working properly or not.


Note: I have hidden my IP address due to security purposes and it is not an error!

QR Code Generator:

DuckDuckGo can also generate a QR code online for you. Type in: "Qr code 'Your text/link' ". It will generate the QR code. Now you can copy it by right-clicking it.


If you are not able to use/access some of the above features, then make sure that the "Instant answers" (Settings-->All settings-->General-->Instant answers) option is ON in your DuckDuckGo settings.

Conclusion: Best Search Engine for you (DuckDuckGo vs Google)

So, when it comes to choosing the best Search Engine between DuckDuckGo and Google, it completely depends on your preference!

If you are a person for which security matters and you want to be anonymous while you are surfing the Internet. Then DuckDuckGo is the best Search Engine for you.

But, if you are a person who doesn’t care if Google uses your data for their advertisement or search filtration purposes. Then Google is for you.

Google has a lot of features and products, which is why it is the most popular search engine. However, DuckDuckGo has several capabilities that other search engines don't have, as well as being anonymous!!

There are many more helpful features like these available in DuckDuckGo, which you can discover by using DuckDuckGo on your own.

DuckDuckgo is growing very rapidly among internet users nowadays due to growing privacy concerns in everyone's life.

DuckDuckGo availability:

Check out the links of DuckDuckGo for your compatible platforms:

Give it a try and share your knowledge, in the comments down.

Leave a comment if you have any issues or queries. You can also follow us on Quora and ask me questions.

Thanks for reading!

Hi, My name is Sohaib. I like to write content on Tech and Spread more and more knowledge about Tech. I know about Windows, Android, and Cybersecurity. Follow my Blog to receive constant updates about my articles on Tech.