Enable Ultimate Performance and boost your windows. Know how to do it.

Enable Ultimate performance mode:

Through Control Panel:

To enable the ultimate performance power plan in Windows 10 follow the following steps:

  • Open search and type in “choose a power plan”
  • Click on the first option and it will redirect you to the control panel window
  • Now in the windows, you can see the option named “Ultimate performance ”

  • Click on it and it will enable the Ultimate performance mode.

If you don’t see the option, click on “Show additional Plans” located at the bottom of your plans.

Note: Ultimate performance power plan uses more battery power. So make sure you have a power supply!

Windows Powershell (Additional)

You can also do one more thing to improve your performance.

  • Just run the Powershell as an administrator
  • Paste the following command:
powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61

  • Press Enter

It will show up a message like this: (Ultimate Performance).

I hope this was helpful! 
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